专利名称:Fluid pump
发明人:Satoru Kuramoto,Masahiro Kawaguchi,Shinya
Yamamoto,Nobuaki Hoshino,MamoruKuwahara
摘要:A fluid pump includes a housing, a drive source, a rotary unit and a pumpingmechanism. The drive source is accommodated in the housing and includes a rotary
member for rotation. The rotary unit includes the rotary member and a rotary shaft,which is operatively connected to the rotary member for rotation. The rotary unitforming an engaging portion for engaging with a maintenance tool which is preparedoutside the housing. The pumping mechanism is placed in the housing and is operated inaccordance with the rotation of the rotary shaft. An allowing means is formed in thehousing for allowing the maintenance tool to engage with the engaging portion so as toface the engaging portion. The rotary shaft is rotated by rotating the maintenance tool ina state that the maintenance tool is engaged with the engaged portion.
申请人:Satoru Kuramoto,Masahiro Kawaguchi,Shinya Yamamoto,NobuakiHoshino,Mamoru Kuwahara
地址:Kariya JP,Kariya JP,Kariya JP,Kariya JP,Kariya JP
代理机构:Woodcock Washburn LLP